Our Pastor

Pastor Preston Brown

Preston Carl Brown is the visionary leader and founding pastor of Inland Lighthouse Church of Riverside, a flourishing church plant established in 2019 in the beautiful city of Riverside, California. Beyond the pulpit, his ministry extends into the realms of mentoring, teaching and preaching, all with an unwavering commitment to advancing the kingdom of God.

Together with his wife, Claudia, and their three daughters, Adelina, Olivia, and Camilla, Pastor Brown is dedicated to making disciples and magnifying Jesus. Their lives are testaments to the fact that profound joy and fulfillment can be discovered in serving the kingdom of God.

Pastor Brown's preaching, teaching, and church leadership has spanned decades. Before pastoring, he served at ILC Rialto in various capacities including Spanish youth leader, college & career teacher, as well as equipping and mentoring young ministers.

We want you to know that in every season of life there is a place you can come or come back to that still offers hope for your tomorrows. Pastor and Sis. Claudia Brown extend a warm welcome to everyone who walks through our doors!

I L C DiscipleshipWorshipFellowship Riverside