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ILC Riverside is all about Magnifying Jesus and Making Disciples.


Jesus commanded His disciples to teach (or literally, “disciple”) all nations. We believe that since the expiration date He put on that command was “the end of the world”, He fully expects us to teach/disciple today. We also believe that for people to engage in discipleship, the church should be clear about what that means. Jesus was transparent with His twelve disciples about the cost of discipleship and what was coming.

In an effort to follow Jesus’ model and the patterns of scripture, we have compiled some information here to give you an idea of what we believe discipleship will look like beyond simple obedience to the saving Gospel message (John 3:3-5, Acts 2:38). Outside of the basics of personal devotion (i.e., daily prayer and Bible reading), faithful attendance to services, and creating personal relationships with other members in the church; we also offer the Growth Track program, one-on-one personal or home Bible studies (can be conducted anywhere), and small groups as various tools to help you get growing in your walk with God.

To listen to each lesson of Growth Track, click here.

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I L C DiscipleshipWorshipFellowship Riverside